Publikationen von K. Troidl

Zeitschriftenartikel (26)

Simon, F.; Troidl, K.: Network Meeting at the Annual Conference of the German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine in Frankfurt am Main. GEFASSCHIRURGIE 22 (8), S. 582 - 584 (2017)
Chillo, O.; Kleinert, E. C.; Lautz, T.; Lasch, M.; Pagel, J.-I.; Heun, Y.; Troidl, K.; Fischer, S.; Caballero-Martinez, A.; Mauer, A. et al.; Kurz, A. R. M.; Assmann, G.; Rehberg, M.; Kanse, S. M.; Nieswandt, B.; Walzog, B.; Reichel, C. A.; Mannell, H.; Preissner, K. T.; Deindl, E.: Perivascular Mast Cells Govern Shear Stress-Induced Arteriogenesis by Orchestrating Leukocyte Function. CELL REPORTS 16 (8), S. 2197 - 2207 (2016)
Grimm, M.; Tischner, D.; Troidl, K.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Sivaraj, K. K.; Bouzas, N. F.; Geisslinger, G.; Binder, C. J.; Wettschureck, N.: S1P(2)/G(12/13) Signaling Negatively Regulates Macrophage Activation and Indirectly Shapes the Atheroprotective B1-Cell Population. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 36 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2016)
Grimm, M.; Tischner, D.; Troidl, K.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Sivaraj, K. K.; Bouzas, N. F.; Geisslinger, G.; Binder, C. J.; Wettschureck, N.: S1P(2)/G(12/13) Signaling Negatively Regulates Macrophage Activation and Indirectly Shapes the Atheroprotective B1-Cell Population. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 36 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2016)
Kleinert, E.; Langenmayer, M. C.; Reichart, B.; Kindermann, J.; Griemert, B.; Blutke, A.; Troidl, K.; Mayr, T.; Grantzow, T.; Noyan, F. et al.; Abicht, J.-M.; Fischer, S.; Preissner, K. T.; Wanke, R.; Deindl, E.; Guethoff, S.: Ribonuclease (RNase) Prolongs Survival of Grafts in Experimental Heart Transplantation. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION 5 (5), e003429 (2016)
Lasch, M.; Caballero-Martinez, A.; Troidl, K.; Schloegl, I.; Lautz, T.; Deindl, E.: Arginase inhibition attenuates arteriogenesis and interferes with M2 macrophage accumulation. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 96 (8), S. 830 - 838 (2016)
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