Publikationen von Philipp Rath

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Fehl, J.; Pozarska, A.; Nardiello, C.; Rath, P.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Vadasz, I.; Mayer, K.; Herold, S.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.: Control Interventions Can Impact Alveolarization and the Transcriptome in Developing Mouse Lungs. ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 302 (2), S. 346 - 363 (2019)
Hoang, T. V.; Nardiello, C.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Rodriguez-Castillo, J. A.; Rath, P.; Mayer, K.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S.; Ahlbrecht, K.; Seeger, W. et al.; Morty, R. E.: Stereological analysis of individual lung lobes during normal and aberrant mouse lung alveolarisation. Journal of Anatomy 232 (3), S. 472 - 484 (2018)
Pozarska, A.; Rodriguez-Castillo, J. A.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Ntokou, A.; Rath, P.; Mizikova, I.; Madurga, A.; Mayer, K.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S. et al.; Ahlbrecht, K.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.: Stereological monitoring of mouse lung alveolarization from the early postnatal period to adulthood. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY 312 (6), S. L882 - L895 (2017)
Rath, P.; Nardiello, C.; Morty, R. E.: A new target for caffeine in the developing lung: endoplasmic reticulum stress? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY 313 (4), S. L659 - L663 (2017)
Rath, P.; Nardiello, C.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Agius, R.; Mizikova, I.; Huehn, S.; Mayer, K.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S.; Runkel, F. et al.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.: Caffeine administration modulates TGF-beta signaling but does not attenuate blunted alveolarization in a hyperoxia-based mouse model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. PEDIATRIC RESEARCH 81 (5), S. 795 - 805 (2017)
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