Application Timeline

Application Timeline


 +++  Get your documents updated, inform your referees and apply NOW +++ Application portal is open until 31 Jan 2025

November 2024 - Application database opens

 You can submit your application online until January 31, 2025. You can edit and save your data in the database before your final submission. Make sure to contact your referee in given time as you can only submit your application once one letter of reference has been uploaded. Please read our “application and admission” and  "items to provide" section for more information.


January 31, 2025 - Application deadline

Absolutely no applications will be accepted after the deadline. Please make sure your referees will upload the reference letter before this deadline.


 March 2025- Notification of applicants and virtual recruitment day

After carefull evaluation of all applications, shortlisted candidates will be invited to give a talk at the virtual recruitment day in March 2025. After this day, we offer selected applicants to visit us on-site.


April/May 2025 -  optional on-site visit and acceptance letters

After the virtual recruitment day in March, selected applicants will be invited to visit the laboratory of our faculty in April/May and we will match candidates with their chosen faculty member. Acceptance letters will be sent out as soon as candidates receive an offer from our faculty.

October 2025 - Start of program

Accepted PhD students may start work at any time during the year, depending on the agreement with the prospective research group, but no later than October.

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