IMPRS-MOB Research Faculty
Our IMPRS faculty is located at three scientific hotspots in the Rhine-Main area: MPI for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim, Justus Liebig University in Gießen and Goethe University Frankfurt.
Prof. Dr. Florian Greten
Goethe University, Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy
Research topic: cellular and molecular changes in the tumor microenvironment that support gastrointestinal tumor growth
Research topic: cellular and molecular changes in the tumor microenvironment that support gastrointestinal tumor growth
Lei Gu, PhD
MPI-HLR and Cardiopulmonary Institute (CPI)
Research topic: identify novel epigenetic modifications and enzymes, and their functions in organ regeneration
Research topic: identify novel epigenetic modifications and enzymes, and their functions in organ regeneration
Prof. Sandra Hake
Justus Liebig University, Institute for Genetics
Research topic: Mammalian histone variant networks: important regulators of DNA-based processes
Research topic: Mammalian histone variant networks: important regulators of DNA-based processes
Prof. Dr. Michael Kracht
Justus Liebig University, Rudolf-Buchheim-Institute of Pharmacology
Research topic: signaling pathways and formation of messenger-ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs)
Research topic: signaling pathways and formation of messenger-ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs)
Prof. Andreas Krueger
Justus Liebig University, Institute for Molecular Immunology
Research topic: molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the formation of T cells
Research topic: molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the formation of T cells
Prof. Leo Kurian
Goethe University Frankfurt, Faculty of Medicine
Research Topic: Cardiac development, aging and regeneration
Research Topic: Cardiac development, aging and regeneration
Prof. Dr. Virginie Lecaudey
Goethe University, Developmental Biology of the Vertebrates
Research topic: mechanisms underlying tissue and organ formation during embryogenesis.
Research topic: mechanisms underlying tissue and organ formation during embryogenesis.
Prof. Dr. Mario Looso
MPI-HLR, Bioinformatics Core Unit
Research topic: integration and vizualisation of data-sets, generation of web-based portals and tools
Research topic: integration and vizualisation of data-sets, generation of web-based portals and tools
Prof. Dr. Stefan Offermanns
MPI-HLR, Pharmacology
Research topic: Signaling in metabolic and vascular diseases, tumor cell metastasis, G-protein-coupled receptors
Research topic: Signaling in metabolic and vascular diseases, tumor cell metastasis, G-protein-coupled receptors
PD Dr. Jochen Pöling
MPI-HLR, Cardiac Development and Remodelling
Research topic: Identify the immune response following cardiovascular injuries
Research topic: Identify the immune response following cardiovascular injuries
Prof. Dr. Rajkumar Savai
Justus Liebig University, Institute for Lung Health (ILH)
Research topic: Lung microenvironmental niche in cancerogenesis
Research topic: Lung microenvironmental niche in cancerogenesis