Publications of Antje M. Richter
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Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
SIAH3 is frequently epigenetically silenced in cancer and regulates mitochondrial metabolism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER (2024)
Journal Article
Epigenetically silenced apoptosis-associated tyrosine kinase (AATK) facilitates a decreased expression of Cyclin D1 and WEE1, phosphorylates TP53 and reduces cell proliferation in a kinase-dependent manner. CANCER GENE THERAPY (2022)
Journal Article
12 (12), 3528 (2020)
Epigenetic Inactivation of the Tumor Suppressor IRX1 Occurs Frequently in Lung Adenocarcinoma and Its Silencing Is Associated with Impaired Prognosis. CANCERS 4.
Journal Article
1874 (2), 188417 (2020)
The ZAR1 protein in cancer; from epigenetic silencing to functional characterisation and epigenetic therapy of tumour suppressors. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-REVIEWS ON CANCER 5.
Journal Article
39 (15), pp. 3114 - 3127 (2020)
RASSF10 is frequently epigenetically inactivated in kidney cancer and its knockout promotes neoplasia in cancer prone mice. ONCOGENE 6.
Journal Article
11 (1), 182 (2019)
Epigenetic therapy of novel tumour suppressor ZAR1 and its cancer biomarker function. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS